Last week, we uploaded my latest online Yin Yoga class bringing the online offering to 12 different Yin Yoga sequences, most of which are around an hour long, giving students the option to continue their Yin Yoga practise at home when it suits them.
Take me back to the start of 2020 and I wouldn't have even imagined that this year would be about all of us moving to the digital space at such a rapid pace, but through the upheaval of all that the year has brought, it has truly delivered a unique opportunity to be able to offer something different to both new and old students through the online space and personally, being able to offer online classes is something that I have wanted to do for a long time.
I believe that any type Yoga practise shouldn't be exclusive or exclusionary so my intention was to price these classes as reasonably as possible. Most can be rented for $4 or $5 for a 72 hour period, and this helps cover the running costs of the website.
Yin Yoga Classes Available to Rent or Buy:
These classes come from my Practise & Postures Course (which is also now available):
What Is Yin & What Is Yang
Fluidity In The Body
Non-linear Body
Journey Through The Meridians
Leaning Into Support
Other classes that are available include:
Yin Yoga For Clearing Space
Yin Yoga to Realign Yourself
Yin Yoga to Access Your Energy Body
Yin Yoga for the Hips & Lower Body
Yin Yoga for the Bladder & Kidney Meridian (from my Winter Masterclass)
Yin Yoga to Stimulate the Liver & Gallbladder Meridian (from my Spring Masterclass)